Mauri Tangata

The technology to generate data hapū and iwi need

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata

Mauri Tangata

Who are we doing this for?

The Kaitiaki Intelligence Platform, if built, would deliver detailed environmental intelligence across many domains for hapū, iwi, and Māori agribusiness and forestry collectives.

Remote sensors, attached to drones, planes and satellites, combined with on-ground sensors can deliver a lot of detailed environmental information. Changes in the extent and health of native forests and wetlands can be detected, alongside changes in water quality and river flows. Moreover, the stability of land and health of soils can be determined, combined with changes in soil carbon levels and greenhouse gas emissions. In terms of generating data for our farm managers, remote sensors can detect stock numbers, fence lines, soil moisture and nutrient levels, and productivity. When all brought together, this data enables a rich picture of environmental health to be formed, helping to understand whether the mana of te taiao is being enhanced or diminished.

This data can be communicated in a variety of ways to meet the needs of various Māori organisations. This might be in the form of reports, digital dashboards, or digital twins that generate virtual renditions of the environment showing its current state, and how it might be in future.